The doors of mercy and forgiveness of Allah, the Almighty, are always open for everyone. The canopy of His mercy always covers His seekers, and it is the noble glory of this Being to keep His creation under His shelter and affection. To show more kindness to His helpless creation, forgive the sins of those who seek His forgiveness, and bless those close to Him with His gifts, God has chosen certain times as special. During these times, His mercy, forgiveness, and blessings flow freely, and He grants them the privilege of receiving His special favor.
During these special moments, days, and months, with this privilege, the flow of Allah Almighty’s mercy increases beyond the usual. In these special hours, the month of Shaban has special importance and privilege. Sha’ban is a blessed month when the gates of all goodness are opened, divine blessings descend from the heavens, sins are forgiven, and bad deeds are wiped away.
Meaning of Shaban word
In Ghunyat-ul-Talibeen it is mentioned that, the word Shaβban is a combination of five letters:Β
Sheenn, Ain, Bay, Alif , and Nun.
Sheen is derived from Honor (Sharaf),
Ain = Greatness (Azmat),
Bay = Purity (Naiki) and Piety (Taqwa),
Alif = Affection (Aulfat), Love (Mohabbat), and
Nun = Light (Noor).
In this month, Allah Almighty grants these five things to the seeker. This is the month in which the doors of good deeds are opened and blessings descend, and sinners are forgiven.
Imam Al-Qastallani has mentioned an important point in Al-Mawahib-ul-Laduniya, saying:
“Indeed, Sha’ban is also the month of sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) because it is the month in which the verse of salutations was revealed.”