Ever since the human being stepped on the earth, questions have been arising in his mind such as: Who am I?
- What is my origin?
- What is my end?
- What is my reality?
- What is my recognition?
- If a Creator does exist who has created me, who is He and how would I recognize Him?
- What is the purpose of my life?
Whenever humans strived to search for the answers to these questions, Allah sent His Prophets and Messengers on every territory of the earth for their guidance who had been satisfying them regarding such queries.
The purpose of creation of man is to gain the recognition and gnosis of Allah. Now the question arises, how can a man recognize Allah? Its method is told in the following Hadith:
مَنْ عَرَفَ نَفْسَہُ فَقَدْ عَرَفَ رَ بَّہُ
Meaning: Whoever recognized his self, undoubtedly recognized his Lord.
The explanation of above Hadith is that Allah created the sacred soul of Mohammad from His Own Divine light and souls of the rest of creation from the light of Mohammad in the realm of Divinity.
In that realm, the souls were engrossed in the Divine vision and there the oath was taken from them. It is in sura al-A’raf that Allah asked:
(7:172) اَلَسْتُ بِرَبِّکُمُ
Meaning: Am I not your Lord?
(7:172) قَالُوْا بَلٰی
Meaning: They (the souls) said, “Yes!” (7:172)
Allama Iqbal says while mentioning this promise:
الست از خلوت نازے کہ برخاست ؟
بَلٰی از پردہ سازے کہ برخاست ؟
Alast Az Khalwat-e-Nazy Ke Barkhast?
Bala Az Parda-e-Sazy Ke Barkhast?
Meaning: From whose graceful solitude arose the sound of, “Am I not your Lord?” Who were the ones to reply, “Yes! You are.”
Sultan ul Faqr 6 Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Quote About Self Relaization given below:
- O’ human being! Have you searched your innerself to find your reality and your origin? Where did you come from? What is the purpose of your life in this world and where do
you have to return ? - Find your reality within yourself. Your reality is that Divine Entity which is nearer to you than your jugular vein. You would find the Divine Essence while finding your own self.
- Recognize yourself! When you will recognize yourself you will recognize Allah as well. To reach the reality, first remove the rust from your heart and get rid of the sensual veils. Then your heart would become such a mirror in which that Essence is clearly visible without any veil.
- If you want to unlock your inner self, get its key from the Murshid Kamil Akmal. The key to open the door of inner self is Ism-e-Allah Zaat
Rumi says to man while unfolding the reality:
پس بصورت عَالَمِ صُغریٰ توئ
پس بمعنی عَالَمِ کُبْریٰ توئ
Explanation: You are a micro world by appearance but in reality you are the macro world.
آدمی را ہست حِسِ تن سِقیم
لیک در بَاطن یکے خلقِ عظیم
Explanation: The human being is trivial and worthless regarding his physical being but his inward is a vast realm.
Khawaja Hafiz Shirazi expresses:
یار باماست روز و شب حافظ
ہمچوں جانے کہ ہست در رگ و پے
Explanation: O Hafiz! The Beloved accompanies me day and night, the way life runs through my veins and flesh
Together, their teachings guide humanity toward a life of purpose, self-awareness, and divine love. They remind us that true identity lies in recognizing our connection with Allah and living a spiritually fulfilling life