The words of the Universal Divine Man, the perfect spiritual guide, are the words of Truth that act as keys unlocking the depths of the Divine secrets. Unlike ordinary discourse, they echo in one’s inward, stirring the dormant soul to life and forging an invaluable connection with Allah. Throughout history, the teachings of Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides have illuminated the path for seekers of Allah, shining as a beacon of light in every era. Through these teachings, seekers not only grasp and delve into the true meanings of the Quran and Hadith but also find the gates of Divine knowledge wide open before them.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Quotes
(About Sacred Personalities )
Fatimah-tuz-Zahra (R.A)
- The foremost and prime manifestation of Divine light was the light of Prophet Mohammad while the next Divine light which manifested directly from his light was that of Fatimah-tuz-Zahra. She is the first Sultan-ul-Faqr and Faqr is bestowed only through her mediation.
- Among the daughters of the Prophet, Fatimah bint Mohammad holds the highest position.
- No prayer goes unheard when made with the intercession of Fatimah-tuz-Zahra. As a humble Fakir, I too offer all my supplications through her honourable mediation. At the beginning of my journey on the path of Faqr, I used to perform excessive worships and supplications to seek Allah. I would present all my devotions as a humble gift to her, hoping it would reach the Divine court through her blessed intercession. I would humbly beseech: “O revered lady of the universe! As a humble and sinful servant, I offer this modest gift of reward of devotions in your honour. Surely, you do not need it, rather it is we who stand in need and seek the benevolence and favour of your noble family. My request is akin to the plea of a beggar at your door. Throughout your earthly life, no seeker or beggar ever left your doorstep empty-handed. I am certain that in your spiritual realm as well, you shall not refuse this beggar. I beseech and yearn in your sacred court, please intercede on my behalf in the court of the Holy Prophet that he may bestow his blessings upon me and guide me to the righteous path-the path whose travellers are promised reward by Allah. This humble beggar is sure that you will not return him empty-handed, for it has never been the tradition of your blessed family to refuse any supplicant.
Ali ibn Abi Talib (R.A)
- Ali ibn Abi Talib was brought up and trained under the affection of the Holy Prophet. Naturally, he adopted the best attributes from the Holy Prophet and was the embodiment of the greatest morals.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib spent his childhood, youth and middle age in the blessed company of Prophet Mohammad. He was pure in his childhood, purer in his youth and the purest in middle age.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib never uttered a single word of infidelity nor committed a single act of polytheism. His scared being was not stained with the filth of sins even in the era of ignorance
(About Straight Path)
Straight Path
- Always ask Allah for the straight path. It is the path of the rewarded people.
- He who connects with Allah, faces opposition. Those who truly want to connect do so despite opposition and in fact they are the real seekers
- The more a person diverts his attention from the work of Allah, the more difficult his worldly life becomes. Conversely, the more a person engages in Allah’s work, the more Allah creates ease for him