Mystics call their teachings Faqr. Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani says in ar-Risala tul-Ghausia that Allah said to him, “Ghawth al-Azam! Tell your companions and friends that the one among you who wants My company should adopt Faqr.” Abdul Qadir Jilani also said, “My adornment (strength and power) is Faqr.
Unless a true believer reaches Faqr, he cannot become the bearer of attributes of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Khalid ibn al-Walid who overpowered innumerable enemies in the battlefield. Allama Iqbal says:
سوچا بھی ہے ایے مردِ مسلمان کبھی تُو نے
کیا چیز ہے فولاد کی شمشیر جگر دار
اس بیت کا یہ مصرع اوّل ہے کہ جس میں
پوشیدہ چلے آتے ہیں توحید کے اسرار
ہے فکر مجھے مصرِع ثانی کی زیادہ
اللّٰه کرے تجھ کو عطا “فقر” کی تلوار
قبضے میں یہ تلوار بھی آجائے تو مومن
یا خالد جانباز ہے یا حیدرِ کرار
Explanation: O perfect man! Within are hidden the secrets of Oneness. I am worried about the seeker whether he will envision what makes one bravely swing an iron sword in the battlefield. Undoubtedly it is Faqr! When this sword of Faqr comes in the hand of the true believer he becomes the reflection of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Khalid ibn al-Walid. (Zarb-e-Kalim)
کیا گیا ہے غلامی میں مبتلا تجھ کو
کہ تجھ سے ہو نہ سکی فقر کی نگہبانی
Explanation: You have been enslaved because you have lost the treasure of Faqr and follow inciting innerself and Satan. (Zarb-e-Kalim)
یہ فقر مردِ مسلماں کھو دیا جس سے
رہی نہ دولت سلمانی و سلیمانی
Explanation: O Muslims! You have forgotten the attributes of renunciation of world (from the inward), fearing Allah, engrossment in prayers and the gem of all gems the Faqr of intense love for the Prophet. You have not been entreasured anymore with the worldly imperialism like that of Solomon and the spiritual wealth and powers of Salman the Persian. (Zarb-e-Kalim)
If Muslims want to rule the world then first they will have to achieve the treasure of Faqr.
“ہمت ہو اگر تو ڈھونڈ وہ “فقر
جس “فقر” کی اصل ہے حجازی
اس “فقر” سے آدمی میں پیدا
اللّٰه کی شان بے نیازی
یہ “فقرِ غیور” جس نے پایا
بے تیغ و ثنا ہے مردِ غازی
مومن کی اسی میں ہے امیری
اللّٰه سے مانگ یہ فقیری
Explanation: If you have strength then find Faqr. The reality of Faqr is that it is the heritage of the Prophet. It develops the special Divine characteristic that a man becomes indifferent to everything. The one who becomes the very epitome of true Faqr, the chosen Faqr, does not depend on weaponry rather on Allah only. He completes his mission despite all the opposition and wins at every turn. Ask for such Faqr from Allah which will make you honourable in both the worlds. (Zarb-e-Kalim)
لفظِ “اسلام” سے یورپ کو اگر کِد ہے تو خیر
دوسرا نام اسی دین کا ہے فقرِ غیور!
Explanation: It does not matter if Europe resents the word ‘Islam’. Another name for the same religion is Faqr, the most honoured. (Zarb-e-Kalim)
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Quotes about Allam Iqbal
- Iqbal’s journey of Faqr began with his father and reached ultimate heights with Rumi.
- From the beginning till the end of Iqbal’s journey on the path of Faqr, the words uttered by him were Divinely inspired. Because, the work of a Mystic is always inspirational.
For more Information please read this book