Thursday, 27 February 2025)
The Founder & Patron in Chief of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has reached back to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen House, Lahore. Alhamd-u-Lillah !
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen stayed for an extended period at Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen during January and February 2025. During this period, Divine seekers flocked to Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to benefit from his company. The fortunate seekers of Allah were blessed with the honour of pledging allegiance (al-bayah) at his blessed hands, thereby receiving the eternal blessing of invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Azam (Ism-e-Allah Zaat).
He presided over the weekly Bazm e Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, which was held every Sunday at Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. In these weekly gatherings, seekers quenched their souls by benefitting from his blessed sight and company. He periodically reviewed the construction work of Masjid-e-Zahra and the animal care matters at the stable and dairy farm.
Published in TDF News, Feb 27, 2025